792A129G01 , Westinghouse 15kV DHP 1200 Stud Assemblies , DHP Bottles with Copper , Line Side Copper for DHP Switchgear , Upper Stud Assembly 792A129G01
Contact for Quote: 800-909-3660 | sales@naswgr.com
Westinghouse 15kV DHP 1200 Stud Assemblies
DHP Bottles with Copper
Line Side Copper for DHP Switchgear 792A129G01
A B C Phase Copper for Westinghouse DHP Switchgear with or without Riser Bus for Proper Connections.
Newer Style 792A129G01
Upper Stud Assembly 792A129G01
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The pictures show different configurations for the copper.
Actual pictures in listing, These are loose DHP Parts. NAS will clean, inspect and back with our 1 year warranty.
Row 9 Basket 146/223 SZ Available with Riser Bus. NAS should have most of the different configurations.

150DHP750 150DHP750C 150DHP500
A Phase with copper and riser bus NASPG16931
B Phase with copper and riser bus NASPG16932
C Phase with copper and riser bus NASPG16929
Looking for 792A129G02 DHP Load Side Bottom Copper? We have that too!